Photo by Max Harlynking on Unsplash

From Dipping My Toes to Wading Knee-deep: The Transition from Elementary to Intermediate-level Japanese

The gently sloping bank of elementary Japanese has given way to the sometimes still, sometimes gushing knee-deep waters of intermediate-level Japanese.

Learning Japanese (Photo by Nic Y-C on Unsplash)

On some days, my feet remain steady. On others, I stumble and look for new ways of maintaining balance. A large rock, a sturdy tree stump, a person’s hand—sources of support in the river. A podcast, a book, an interactive activity—resources in the language-learning journey. Some work well for me, others do not. Some help me gradually move forward, others block my way and frustrate me to no end. Some add the fun element, making my worries disappear. Others make me wonder whether I chose the right path.
Finding support in the journey (Image by luxstorm from Pixabay)

The journey has no dearth of adventure and learning. And I continue to pursue it, often saying to myself,

いっしょうけんめいがんばります (I will do my best).

Here are some resources that I have found helpful, engaging, and entertaining as I learn Japanese:

Are you learning Japanese? What are your means of support as you dip your toes and then wade into the waters? What keeps you steady? What helps you move forward?

Anita Nagarajan
Communications and Editing Consultant, Educator
